Department > Studies
Department of Civil Engineering (Trikala) > Studies in the Department

Field of Study
  The studies at the Department of Civil Engineering of Trikala cover the application of technical sciences in projects and works of the design, supervision, construction of buildings, as well as the maintenance and restoration of modern and historic buildings. The Department combines the development of the appropriate theoretical study for the construction of buildings with a high-level laboratory course study as well as professional internship. It emphasizes on the construction technology of buildings, while it conducts research and development, expertise and innovations in their respective professional fields. In parallel it provides general education that broadens the horizons of the students and lays the foundation for their scientific and professional maturity to address the specific and complex problems of the construction of buildings, the protection, maintenance, conservation, restoration, enhancement and revival of the cultural heritage and the natural environment.

The direction "Structural Engineers" emphasizes on the design and calculation of the structure of residential buildings and other engineering structures, the seismic design and their protection, the construction pathology and the repair damage from earthquake. It also conducts technological research and develops expertise and innovation sin the respective professional fields.

The direction "Engineers of Morphology and Restoration" emphasizes on the technology of restoration, maintenance and rehabilitation techniques and repair, the maintenance and restoration of historical buildings and complexes, as well as the morphological integration of new buildings at a historic and traditional environment. It also conducts technological research and develops expertise and innovations in the respective professional fields.

Career Opportunities
  Direction Α: Structural Engineers
Upon completion of their studies, they acquire the necessary scientific and technological knowledge and skills to operate either independently or in collaboration with scientists of other technical disciplines, or as responsible in related businesses, organisations and services in the private and public sector to study, research and implement technological practices in all areas of projects and works of structural engineering.

Direction B: Engineers of Morphology and Restoration
Upon completion of their studies, they acquire the necessary scientific and technological knowledge and skills to operate professionally and work either independently or in collaboration with other scientists, technical specialists, and such as architects, civil engineers, surveying engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical and chemical engineers, archaeologists and conservators of works of art in the public and private sector to study, research and apply the technology in specific projects and works in the field of conservation and restoration of buildings.

Diploma Supplement


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