Schools and Departments / Research Laboratories
Department of Medical Laboratories > Research Lab

Βιο-Medical Informatics Laboratory

Description - Research Areas
In the Bio-Medical Informatics Laboratory the students of the Department of Medical Laboratories of the School of Health and Welfare Professions of TEI of Thessaly learn basic skills in informatics. In addition, the Lab can assist in any application of informatics at Medical and Biomedical Sciences.  
Services to Third Parties
Any application of Informatics on Medicine and Bio-Sciences with emphasis on hemodynamic studies and simulations  
1.  Prototype experimental set-up for the measurement of the blood flow in the human eye in collaboration with the Department of Ophthalmology of the University Hospital of Larissa (University of Thessaly).
2.   Research and teaching collaboration with the Department of Vascular Surgery of University Hospital of Larissa (University of Thessaly).
3.   Research and teaching collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications of TEI of Thessaly.
4.  Research collaboration with the Department of Mechanical Engineering of TEI of Thessaly
5.  Teaching collaboration with the Department of Nursing of TEI of Thessaly.
Research Equipment and Infrastructure
1.  A room of approximately 100 square meters and positions for 24 persons, plus one for the professor.
2.  Computer network infrastructure with a 3 com Baseline Switch 2226 plus (24 RJ-45 ports at 10/100 Mbps).
3.  Seven Personal Computers.
4.   Prototype experimental set-up for the measurement of the blood flow in the human eye.

Research projects
1.                   “Modern Biomedical Engineering optical methods development and application to the eye vascular system in order to study blood flow and diagnostic techniques». This project was in cooperation with the Ophthalmology Clinic of the University Hospital of Larissa (University of Thessaly).

2. “Image processing of Laser light sheets for controlling parameters in the design of two phase mixture blenders and water sprayers”. This project was in cooperation with the department of Mechanical Engineering of TEI of Thessaly.  
Research Results/ Products
1.     Koutsiaris A.G., Tachmitzi S.V., Batis N., 2013. Wall shear stress quantification in the human conjunctival pre-capillary arterioles in vivo. Microvascular Research 85: 34-39.
2.     Lavdas E, Mavroidis P, Kostopoulos S, Glotsos D, Roka V, Koutsiaris AG, Batsikas G, Sakkas GK, Tsagkalis A, Notaras I, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Vassiou K., 2013. Elimination of motion, pulsatile flow and cross-talk artifacts using blade sequences in lumbar spine MR imaging. Magn Reson Imaging 31(6): 882-90.
3.     Aristotle G. Koutsiaris (2012). Digital Micro PIV (μPIV) and Velocity Profiles In Vitro and In Vivo, in the BOOK with title “The Particle Image Velocimetry - Characteristics, Limits and Possible Applications”, Giovanna Cavazzini (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0625-8, InTech.
4.     Aristotle G. Koutsiaris, Sophia Tachmitzi and Nick Batis. The Resistive index as a function of vessel diameter in the human carotid arterial tree. “The 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2012)”, Shanghai, China, May 17-20, 2012.
5.     Aristotle Koutsiaris. Standard and non standard fit equations on an arteriolar blood velocity profile. “3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Medical Laboratory Technologists with International Participation and 1st Forum of Hellenic Biomedical Sciences under the auspices of the Medical School of the University of Athens”, Medical School of Athens, Athens, March 8-10, 2012.
6.       Marina Tsiana and Aristotle Koutsiaris. Bioinformatics of finding and assembling DNA sequences. “3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Medical Laboratory Technologists with International Participation and 1st Forum of Hellenic Biomedical Sciences under the auspices of the Medical School of the University of Athens”, Medical School of Athens, Athens, March 8-10, 2012.
7.     Heleni Papargiri and Aristotle Koutsiaris. Neural Networks in the Bioinformatics of Proteins. “3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Medical Laboratory Technologists with International Participation and 1st Forum of Hellenic Biomedical Sciences under the auspices of the Medical School of the University of Athens”, Medical School of Athens, Athens, March 8-10, 2012
8.      Drakou A.A., Koutsiaris A.G., Tachmitzi S.V., Roussas N., Tsironi E., Giannoukas A.D., 2011. The importance of ophthalmic artery hemodynamics in patients with atheromatous carotid artery disease. Inernational Angiology, 30: 547-554.
9.      A.G. Koutsiaris, E. Dafi, A.D. Giannoukas. A laboratory cardiovascular model. “Leading Innovative Vascular Education (LIVE)”, Sani Beach Hotel, Chalkidiki, May 5-8, 2011
10.    Aristotle Koutsiaris, Sophia V. Tachmitzi and Athannasios D. Giannoukas. How good are the fits to the experimental velocity profiles in vivo? “3rd Micro and Nano Flows Conference”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-24 August 2011.
11.   Koutsiaris A.G., Tachmitzi S.V., Papavasileiou P, Batis N., Kotoula M.G., Tsironi E., 2010.   Blood velocity pulse quantification in the human conjunctival pre-capillary arterioles.   Microvascular Research 80: 202-208.
12.   Sfyroeras G.S., Koutsiaris A., Karathanos C., Giannakopoulos A., Giannoukas A.D., 2010. Clinical relevance and treatment of carotid stent fractures. Journal of Vascular Surgery 51(5): 1280-1285.
13.   Koutsiaris Α., Tachmitzi S., Kotoula M., Giannoukas A. and Tsironi E.. How much is the pulsation of the blood flow in the human precapillary arterioles of the eye?. “9th WORLD CONGRESS for MICROCIRCULATION”, Paris (France), September 25-28, 2010, Medimond International Proceedings.
14.   Makri A., Guva M., Hatzoglou C., Agnantis C., Koutsiaris A., Kotrotsiou Ε. Investigation of student satisfaction from their educational environment. “4th Pan-Hellenic Conference of Scientists on Long Term Patients”, Imperial Hotel, Larissa, November 9-11, 2010.
15.   Koutsiaris A, 2010. Velocity profile equations for microvessel blood flow in mammals. Bulletin of the Portuguese Society of Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 25 (1): 5-10.
16.   Koutsiaris A.G., Tachmitzi S.V., Kotoula M.G., Tsironi E., 2010. Old and new velocity profile equations of the blood flow in vivo: a preliminary evaluation.    Series on Biomechanics, 25 (1-2): 111-116.
17.    Κουτσιαρής A, Tachmitzi S.V., Kotoula M.G., Giannoukas A. and Tsironi E..   Measurment of the resistive index Pourcelot at the precapillarty arterioles of the human conjunctiva in vivo. “12th Pan-Hellenic Conference of Angiology – Vascular Surgery”, Zapio Mansion, Athens, January 21 – 24, 2010.
18.     Κουτσιαρής A, Tachmitzi S.V., Drakou K., Kotoula M.G., Giannoukas A. and Tsironi E.. A new equation for the blood velocity profile in vivo: can it be used at humans? “12th Pan-Hellenic Conference of Angiology – Vascular Surgery”, Zapio Mansion, Athens, January 21 – 24, 2010.
19.     Koutsiaris A.G., 2009.   A velocity profile equation for blood flow in small arterioles and venules of small mammals in vivo and an evaluation based on literature data. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 43: 321-334.
20.     Aristotle Koutsiaris.   Old and new velocity profile equations of the blood flow in vivo.   “3nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micro Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems”, August 29 – September 2, 2009, Borovets, Bulgaria. 
21.     Koutsiaris A.G., Tachmitzi S.V., Batis N., Kotoula M.G., Karabatsas C.H., Tsironi E and Chatzoulis D.Z., 2007. Volume flow and wall shear stress quantification in the human conjunctival capillaries and post-capillary venules in-vivo.    Biorheology, 44(5/6): 375-386.
22.     Aristotle G. Koutsiaris, Sophia V. Tachmitzi, Maria G. Kotoula, Constantinos H. Karabatsas, Evagelia Tsironi, Nick Batis and Dimitrios Z. Chatzoulis.   Measurements of Blood Velocity in the Human Conjunctival Microcirculation and WSS Estimation. “2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micro Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems”, September 17-20, 2006, Varna, Bulgaria.
 Koutsiaris A.G., 2005. Volume flow estimation in the precapillary mesenteric microvasculature in-vivo and the principle of constant pressure gradient.    Biorheology, 42(6): 479-491.  
Personal URL, if any
Aristotle G. Koutsiaris

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